
I very much appreciate the support I’ve received from Kayla and her team, in navigating this process. This guidance has been very critical to me, realtors and lenders in the Seattle market do not appear to have much working knowledge of the 1031 Exchange. Based on my...


We just wanted you (and your team) to know how much we appreciate your help in walking us through the exchange process. No matter how many times we called and asked the same question, you graciously and patiently answered. You made what seemed like a very complicated...


We have been pleased with your care, attention and support during this 1031 Exchange experience; we are very satisfied customers. We hope to avail ourselves of your services for any future transaction needs. David and...


Thank you so much, Cristi, Dana, and Diana, for your tremendous work throughout these past few months. You, ladies, are the best team in the industry. We will be in touch and perhaps work with you in the near future again. Many many thanks....


Monique,No words to thank you adequately for being part of that conference call. It had potential to be more volatile, and you were such a breath, viewing all of this so positively. I sure learned a whole new aspect of the 1031 exchange!I really hope that they will...